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Q: The part of a chromosome that attaches itself to the cell's spindle fibers during mitosis is called the?
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What would be the role of the centrioles?

During Mitosis, during metaphase, the centrioles grow spindle fibers which attach to the chromosomes located currently on the centrosome. They then pull one half of the chromosome to their side of the cell, this process is called anaphase. They then disappear.

What subphase of mitosis is it when an array of microtubles called spindle fibers now extend between the two centrioles?

Late prophase.

What do spindle finbers do during mitosis?

Spindle fibers form a protein structure that divides the genetic material in a cell. The spindle is necessary to equally divide the chromosomes in a parental cell into two daughter cells during both types of nuclear division: mitosis and meiosis. At the beginning of nuclear division, two wheel-shaped protein structures called centrioles position themselves at opposite ends of the cell forming cell poles. Long protein fibers called microtubules extend from the centrioles in all possible directions, forming what is called a spindle. Some of the microtubules attach the poles to the chromosomes by connecting to protein complexes called kinetochores. Kinetochores are protein formations that develop on each chromosome around the centromere, which is a region located near the middle of a chromosome. Other microtubules bind to the chromosome arms or extend to the opposite end of the cell. During the cell division phase called metaphase, the microtubules pull the chromosomes back and forth until they align in a plane along the equator of the cell, which is called the equatorial plane. The cell goes through an important checkpoint to ensure that all of the chromosomes are attached to the spindle and ready to be divided before it proceeds with division. Next, during anaphase, the chromosomes are simultaneously separated and pulled by the spindle to opposite poles of the cell.

Two chromatids of a chromosome are attached at a point called?

The two chromatids of a chromosome are attached at a point called the centromere. It is the point which it is attached to a spindle fiber during the process of cell division.

The arrangement of microtubules that become visible during mitosis and that separate the chromosomes into equal groups is called?

these are called spindle fibers. do you hav ms williams? haha

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The phase of mitosis in which microtubules connect the centromere of each chromosome to the poles of the pindle?

The name for the network of microtubules along which the chromosomes move during cell division is called the spindle fibers. These spindle fibers attach to the chromosomes and pull them in half.

What is a chromosome called when it gets lost during mitosis?

" gets lost "I think you are describing a nondisjuction event where the chromosomes are not properly pulled apart to their proper positions by the mitotic spindle.

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What will happen to chromosomes that has two centromere?

centromere is place at which spindle fibers are attached if the centromere is lost then chromosome will lose its point for the attachement of the spindle fiber and then will not be able to take part in mitosis. chromosome is usually lost in this case.

The arrangement of microtubules that become visible during mitosis and that separate the chromosomes into equal groups is called the?

the answer is spindle (or spindle fibers)

In which of the stages does each chromosome consist of two DNA molecules?

(From the end of the S phase of interphase through the metaphase of mitosis). In eukaryotes, throughout the entire life of the Cell, also called the cell cycle. During Mitosis the chromosomes are separated.

During what cell cycle phase is the spindle formed?

The spindle forms during prophase of mitosis or meiosis. The spindle is made up of protein fibers, which are microtubules of the cytoskeleton.

A protein disk that attaches two chromatids to each other in a chromosome is called a?


In mitosis what pulls the sister chromatids apart?

The spindle fibers. The spindle fibers that attach to the sister chromatids are called called chromosomal microtubles.

What term is used to describe the structures at which each fibers attaches to a chromosome?

The region is called the centromere.

What would be the role of the centrioles?

During Mitosis, during metaphase, the centrioles grow spindle fibers which attach to the chromosomes located currently on the centrosome. They then pull one half of the chromosome to their side of the cell, this process is called anaphase. They then disappear.