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The roots.

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Q: The part of the plant that absorbs water and nutrients is the?
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Which part of a sunflower plant absorbs water and nutrient?

The Part Of The Sunflower Which Absorbs Water And Nutrients Is The Roots Of The Sunflower

What is the function of the rooting system?

Roota have small fibres called root hair which absorbs water and nutrients.The water and nutrients are then caried to plant's different parts and is used by every part

What part of the plant absorbs the water?

The part of the plant that absorbs the water is the roots. The roots are the parts of the plant that are in charge of absorbing everything that the plant needs to live (not including sunlight). Oxygen, water, and minerals are absorbed through the roots.

What is the function of a root system?

Roota have small fibres called root hair which absorbs water and nutrients.The water and nutrients are then caried to plant's different parts and is used by every part

What part of the plant delivers water and nutrients?

the root

What makes a root different from a sterm?

The root is the part of the plant that typically grows underground and absorbs water and nutrients. The stem, on the other hand, is the part of the plant above ground that supports the leaves, flowers, and fruits. Roots do not have nodes or buds, unlike stems.

What part of the plant that gets water and nutrients to the leaves?


What part of the plant takes in water and nutrients from the soil?


What part of the plant transports water and nutrients from the roots to the plant stem and the leaves?

The part of plant that transport the water are the roots.

How does water get into sugacane?

It absorbs it from the ground through it's roots and into the central part of the plant

What part of plant carries food water and nutrients to and from the roots?


What part of a tree absorbs nutrient and water?

Rhizoid- takes place of the roots and stems and obtains the water and nutrients under the surface.