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Bronze Age.

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Q: The period when civilization began to develop is sometimes called the what?
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The period when civilizations began to develop is sometimes called the?

bronze Age A+ join the group kkk korect,kool,kids we have the awnsers

What is the period when civilizations began to develop?

The first known civilization to develop was the Mesopotamians so it was probably during the Copper Age (3600 - 2800 B.C.).

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The shift from hunting to gathering and then to farming is called civilization

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The period in time that followed the dominance of the Minoans and Myceneans was called the Dark Ages.

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you can develop breasts before you begin your period. however it is more common to develop them after.

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What factors made the Oaxaca Valley a likely place for civilization to develop?

During the Meso-American period, the valley remained a region apart from the rest of Mexico. Its highlands made it impenetrable to invaders and it had a small amount of resources that did allow civilization but no outward expansion.

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Sometimes it was called the Warring Kingdoms Period or the Waring States Period.

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The Han period was considered a golden age of Chinese civilization because the Chinese civilization grew during this period, advances in many parts of education was made. - Milo Matthews [muca] :]

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I think its called a saga +++ It is.