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Q: The question is helps to keep food out of the respiratory tract?
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In frogs what is the path of food through the respiratory system?

In no animal does food pass thought the respiratory system. The respiratory system is used for breathing (gas exchange) not food. The Alimentary Canal or gastrointestinal tract is what is employed for the digestion of food.

What if your epiglottis does not open?

Food would get into your trachea (air pipe).

When these ligaments or folds come together they prevent food from entering the lower respiratory tract?

vestibular folds

Part of the food tube where the GI tract and the respiratory tract cross each other?

The pharynx is common to both the respiratory pathway ( pharynx -> larnyx -> trachea -> pulmonary bronchi ) and the digestive pathway ( pharynx -> esophogus->stomach).

Does epiglottis let food enter the trachea?

No. That is specifically their job. Its purpose is to close off the trachea so that food does not enter the respiratory tract.

What happen in deglutition?

Your epiglottis come down to close the respiratory tract. The food bolus is pushed back to enter the oesophagus.

How does respiratory system helps in digestion?

Food is separated into usable nutrients and waste, which is excreted.

What are the nutrients that moves through the digestive tract?

Fiber is the nutrient that helps move food through the digestive tract. It provides bulk, which activates the stretch receptors in the muscles of the digestive tract, stimulating them to activity.

What is the main job of the undigested food?

Fiber, which is not digested, serves to stimulate peristalsis and helps to move the food through the gastro-intestinal tract.

Why can you not swallow foods while laughing?

Your body will prevent the food from going into the tube (pharynx) that is shared by both the respiratory tract and the digestive tract. It is more important to keep food out of the lungs. If the food does get that far, you will really cough a lot.

What is the involuntary reflex during swallowing?

the tongue rolling the bolus into the pharynx

What helps to separate the digestive system from the respiratory system?

The epiglottis a flap of skin that stops food from entering your windpipe.