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he's probably dead

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Q: The skin on his hand is now cold and hard to the touch What could be wrong?
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Skin on his hand is now cold and hard to the touch What could be wrong?


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What is wrong if the skin on a hand is cold and hard to the touch?

Frostbite FULL QUESTION: One of your coworkers has just returned from a lengthy shift at an unsheltered observation post in subfreezing temperatures. Your coworker informs you that he had to remove his gloves during his shift, and the skin on his hand is now cold and hard to the touch. What could be wrong?

What if your finger was injured and the knuckle is painful to touch could it be broken My hand also hurts when I touch cold things.?

Yes..I would see a doc if I were you.

When you touch a cold surface does cold travel from the surface to your hand or does energy travel from your hand to the cold surface?

Energy travels from your hand to the surface, because even the slightest touch transfers energy. Cold doesn't transfer from the surface to your hand, your nerves just tell your brain that the surface is cold.

Why does your hand gets burned when you touch hot things only?

You can also get burned by extreme cold!

Why is tile cold?

A tile feels cold to the touch, because it is a good conductor of heat, so the heat in your hand is taken away by the tile.

When you touch a cold object state whether heat energy flows from the object to your Hand or from your hand to the object?

Heat has the natural tendency to flow from a warmer to a colder object. If your hand is warmer than the "cold object", then heat will flow from your hand to that object.

What factor determines how hot or cold something feels when you touch it?

The temperature. Also, thermal conductivity.

What do hand do?

The hand is for holding objects, moving things around, preforming fine motor skills or gross motor skills, for feeling with light touch or heavy touch, feeling temperature like hot and cold, and even where the hand is in space.

Why is your hand always cold?

The question should be why is MY left hand always cold. My left hand is never cold but my sisters is always. The reasons could be: No blood circulation Body is on a low temp. The place your in is cold Or your just not moving your hand Hope this helped! SOURCES: MY SISTER

What do you do if a guy reaches out for your hand and hands are cold what do you tell him?

Simply say, "Thanks, my hands needed a warm touch!"