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the prime minister

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Q: The sole channel of communication between president and his council of minister?
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What is communication between two or more things?


What is the difference between a channel and a medium in communication?

the difference between channel and medium is that channel is the form how the message will be while medium is the actual message

Which term describes communication between two points?


What is the relationship between communication and information?

Communication involves sharing, exchanging, or conveying information between two or more parties. Information is the content being shared through communication channels such as spoken words, written text, or non-verbal cues. Effective communication relies on accurate and clear information to ensure understanding and successful interaction.

What special structure forms the communication channel between animal cells?

cell membranes

What part of a network establishes a communication channel between nodes of the network?

Transmission media

What is a email protocol?

an email protocol is a method by which a communication channel is established between two computers and email is transferred between them

Distinguish between low pass channel and band pass channel?

we need a link layer switch when we need to convert a broadcast communication to a one-to-one communication. But in this case it is already one-to-one communication so we need not use any link layer switches

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff provides a channel of communication between the PresidentSECDEF and the combatant commanders?


Types of communication channel?

The two types of communication channel are analog and digital communication channel. An analog channel uses continuously varying (analog) electrical signals while a digital one uses discrete signals.

What is verbal communication channel?

A verbal communication channel refers to the platform through which oral messages use. Verbal communication is one of the main forms of communication and is used in all sectors.

Which communication system reserves channel 16 as a calling and distress channel?

The VHF marine radio communication system reserves channel 16 as a calling and distress channel. This channel is used for initiating communication and for broadcasting distress signals in case of emergencies at sea.