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4th longword (bytes 13-16)

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Q: The source IP address for an IPv4 datagram is stored where in the header?
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What is buffer header?

buffer header in simple words is the location number where the buffer contains are stored and header contains address of it...

Where headers files are generally stored?

It depends on the header file and on the general organization of the project. System header files, such as stdio.h or windows.h, are stored in a directory that the compiler knows about, but that you don't need to even think about. Library header files are either stored in the same place that system header files are stored, or they are stored in a place reserved for the particular library. In the latter case, there will usually be build parameters that identify the header files and their associated library files. User header files are either stored in the same directory as the source files, or they can be stored in a related directory, somewhere in the project directory tree. well in most of the DOS/Windows C/C++ compilers predefined header files are stored in INCLUDE directory of the folder containing the compiler

Are used to automatically update some parts of the header information or comments stored in the source file each time a change or revision is made?


What is header file in computer programming?

A header file is used in some languages to declare functions that will be used but are not yet defined in the current source code. This is primarily used by C and C++, and usually for library functions and user-defined functions that are stored in separate files and folders than the main source code file.

Where is the Mac address stored?

MAC address stored in NIC card

Where physical address stored in computer network?

There is no physical address.

How is energy source stored?

The answer depends on the source. Wood is stored in stacks. Coal is stored in piles or bins. Oil and gas is stored in tanks. Electricity is stored in batteries or capacitors. Water power, solar power and wind power can not be stored in any simple way if at all.

When interrupt occurs where is the address following the current instruction stored?

When an interrupt occurs, the address following the current instruction is stored on the stack.

Where is the original source of energy stored?


What are the header file?

Plain text files, stored in your computer. Some of the most importants are: stdarg.h stddef.h stdio.h stdlib.h string.h

Is a memory address in Binary form?

memory address is stored in binary form

What would be the source of energy without the sun?

Stored sunlight; the Sun is our only source :(