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Q: The tradition of the vice president being sworn in as president after a president died started with who?
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What event started rumors that Abraham Lincoln was a target for assassination?

Rumors of President Lincoln being a target for assassination started before he was ever sworn into office. The succession of the South started these rumors.

Why is President Barack Obama being sworn in noteworthy?

Because he must do right as a president and not go against America.As president he must make America the best it can be. Being sworn in promises he will take care of it the right way

What led to George Bush running for president?

he was sworn in to being a present.

Who was accused of being drunk when sworn in as Abraham Lincoln's vice president?

The Vice President, Andrew Johnson.

Did a vice president get sworn in when president Kennedy died and Lyndon Johnson was sworn in as president?


Is the president the oath of office?

No, the president is not the Oath Of Office.

If the president is not yet sworn in who is president?

The old president remains president up until the moment the new president is sworn in.

Why is the vice president sworn in before th president?

The answer is on:Why does the vice president of the US get sworn in before the president does?

Where does the president get sworn at?

The president get sworn in at Washington D.C. On Janusry 20th at noon.

What does president elected mean and how is it different from president?

The president elect is someone who has been elected president but who has not yet been sworn in, or officially taken office. It is still occupied by the current outgoing president. The President still has the job of being president until the president-elect has been sworn in.

What does the president do right after being sworn in?

the president then goes and signs papers. Then there is inauguration lunch where ppl make toast and celebrate

Who wore Abraham Lincoln's ring while he was sworn in?

Theodore Roosevelt, as he was sworn in as president in 1905, wore a ring which not only had belonged to Abraham Lincoln but was being worn by President Lincoln at the time of his death.