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Q: The two European countries that have the LARGEST petroleum reserves are?
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What country has the 2nd largest petroleum reserves?

Madagascar has the second largest petroleum factories in Africa

Where are current supplies of petroleum?

I have included to related links. The 3 largest producers of petroleum are Saudi Arabia, Russia and the US. However, the US consumes its production. The countries with the largest reserves of oil are Saudi Arabia, Canada and Iran.

Which country is the largest producer of petroleum in south-east Asia?

Saudi Arabia is Asia's leader in petroleum production and petroleum reserves

Economy dominated by petroleum has the largest oil reserves in the Western Hemisphere?


Which countries have the largest oil reserves?

There are several countries that have very large oil reserves. They are Venezuela which accounts for 20 percent of global reserves, Saudi Arabia and Iran.

In what countries are the largest oil reserves?

See the related link.

What body of water in Southwest Asia sits atop the world's largest known petroleum reserves?

Persian Gulf

What do the countries around the Persian gulf have the worlds' largest reserve of?

All the countries around the Persian Gulf have some of the world's largest oil reserves. The countries in this area with their worldwide ranking of oil production are Saudi Arabia (2nd), Iran (4th), Iraq (7th), United Arab Emirates (9th), Kuwait (11th), and Qatar (21st).

What African country has largest petroleum reserves?

Lybia followed by Nigeria, followed by Algeria and then Angola See link bellow:

In which part of Europe are the reserves of magnesium located?

The main reserves in Europe are in Slovakia and Austria. Together, the two countries' reserves add up to around 1/50 of the world's reserves. The three countries with the largest reserves are Russia, China and North Korea.

Which countries have the largest army reserves?

Russia has the largest at over 20 million in their reserves, North Korea is the next with about 8 million and following that is Taiwan with about 5 million.

Which two countries are the largest consumers of petroleum products?

The U.S.A. and China