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Q: The vital centers for the control of visceral activities such as heart rate breathing blood pressure swallowing and vomiting are located in the?
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What are the visceral functions controlled by the nuclei of the medulla?

The medulla contains the cardiac, respiratory, vomiting and vasomotorcenters and therefore deals with theautonomic (involuntary) functions of breathing, heart rate and blood pressure. It is largely below the level of consciousness to control visceral functions, including heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, salivation, perspiration, pupillary dilation, urination, sexual arousal, breathing and swallowing.

Where are the vital centers for the control of visceral activities?

The hypothalamus influences the autonomic centers in the brain stem and the spinal cord. In this way it regulates many Visceral activites such as heart rate, blood pressure respiratory rate and motility of digestive tract

What is the principle regulator of the visceral activities?


What does visceral functions mean in autonomic nervous system?

visceral functions such as: Heart rate Blood pressure Digestion Urination

What regulates visceral activities and involuntary response?

Both visceral activities and involuntary response are controlled by a specific part of the brain know as the Mendullu although this part of the brain sends signals to the Central Nervous System (CNS) which has overall control of the body's visceral activities.

Definition of the medulla?

The medulla oblongata is the part of the brain that controls autonomic functions. Some of the functions that it controls are digestion, breathing, heart function, and swallowing.

Innermost layer of the pleura is known as?

Visceral pleura

The 2 pleural membranes?

The two pleural membranes are the visceral pleura and the parietal pleura. The visceral pleura is the innermost layer that covers the surface of the lungs, while the parietal pleura lines the chest cavity. These membranes create a fluid-filled space called the pleural cavity, which helps to reduce friction and allows for smooth movement of the lungs during breathing.

Does a snail have a visceral mass?

A snail does have a visceral mass

A sentence with the word visceral?

I have a visceral hatred for David Cameron.

When was Visceral Games created?

Visceral Games was created in 1998.

When did Visceral Evisceration end?

Visceral Evisceration ended in 1995.