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Depending on your definition of worst: The worst colonizers of Africa may potentially be Belgian with their former colonies having the highest probabilities for civil war and genocide (Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda). However, if you want which nations colonized the most African nations it would be Great Britain and France.

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Q: The worst colonizers of Africa
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Who were the two largest colonizers of Africa?

The British

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They led to unstable goverments

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Robert Mugabe

What was the purpose of colonization for Africa?

The original impetus for colonizing Africa came from the abolitionist movement. If the western nations controlled the ports, no one would be able to ship slaves from Africa. Then the colonies gained economic value for the European colonizers and the rest of Africa was colonized.

How many countries colonized Africa?

It depends on how you count them.Of the European colonizers, you have a total of 7, which are composed of UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy, and Belgium.Of the secondary possible colonizers there are 3, which are composed of Oman/Zanzibar, South Africa, and the United States, which operated de facto colonies in Zanzibar, Nambia, and Liberia respectively.

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The worst dictator in Africa is meles zenawi. He kicks lots of journolrists out of the country. to my opinion he a mean ,bad, and not honest man.

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i am pretty sure child labor is worst in India and places in Africa

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Ethiopia or many countries in Africa.