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Q: Thin runny lava usually hardens into ash cinders and bombs?
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Related questions

Which one hardens faster runny or thick lava?

Thick, highly viscous lava.

Does ash form when thin runny lava hardens?

No. Ash forms when gas-rich magma is blown into fine droplets during explosive eruptions, quickly cooling to form tiny particles of glass.

How does cider cone volcano and shield volcano differ?

Cinder cones are small and steep-sloped, composed of volcanic cinders, and have mildly explosive eruptions. Shield volcanoes are large and shallow-sloped with very runny lava and generally non-explosive eruptions.

Sentence with cold as a possessive noun?

A cold's symptoms usually include a runny nose and sneezing.

Why does cream cheese frosting go runny?

It usually wont but if it does its because the cream cheese seperates

What is an ash-cinder volcano?

ash and cinder volcanoes have steep sides but arent very tall.when they erupt,small solid fragments of rock and ash come oyt of the volcanoe composite cone volcanoes are the most commmon. they are very tall,and they erupt with runny lava followed by explosive thick lava.

Is runny an adjective?

Yup! Runny is an adjective.

What does runny means?

"Runny" typically refers to a substance that has a thin or watery consistency, such as a runny nose or runny egg yolk. It can also describe something that is leaking or flowing uncontrollably.

Is lava runny and orange?

Lava is orange and runny

When was Runny Babbit created?

Runny Babbit was created in 2005.

What is the definition of runny and how is it described?

The definition of "runny" means : inclined to run or flow, tending to flow, or tending to run or drip. Runny is most commonly used when referring to a runny nose.

What happens if you poach illegally?

usually you don't have enough time to finish cooking the egg entirely and it ends up being runny.