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Yes. All snakes that get that big and over are considered constrictors. Almost all snakes are constrictors.

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Q: This snake can be up to 20 feet long. it is a constrictor?
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Which Snakes live in swamps and riversit can be up to 20 feet long it is a constrictor?


What snake lives in swamps and rivers it can be up to 20 feet long it is a constictor?

A python or an anaconda.

How long do Constrictor live?

Around 20 to 30 years in the wild, and 15 to 20 years in captivity.

Would a living room be more likely to be 20 feet long or 20 inches long?

20 feet!20 feet!20 feet!20 feet!

How long does it take for a snake to make more venom?

10-20 feet depending on the size, health and strength of the cobra or king cobra!

How many years does boa snake live for?

A boa constrictor generally lives anywhere from 20-30 years, though some have lived up to 40. It depends on their environment.

What is the deepest point of the Snake River?

The deepest point found is 20 feet.

If your arm is about 20 meters long how long is it in feet?

You have very long arms if it is 20 metres long! 20 metres = 65.6 feet

What is the normal size and length of snake?

The largest confirmed snake was 32 foot long and its in my pants36 feet long is the biggest on record

How long is 20 metres in feet?

20 metres is 65.6168 feet.

5 types of snakes?

There are two primary large snake families - the boa and the python.Since all of these snakes are difficult to find by their very nature, all sizes are estimates only, and there very likely exist individuals in each species which are larger than listed here.The largest by mass is a boa, the Green Anaconda - upwards of 25 feet long and 300+ pounds.Largest by length is the Reticulated Python - upwards of 30 feet long.Next largest is African Rock Python - upwards of 25 feet long.Next is the Burmese Python - upwards of 20 feet.Next it gets fuzzy (there are a lot of boas and pythons and even a few venomous snakes around this size), but most likely the Boa Constrictor is the largest at upwards of 15 feet. The King Cobra is longer, at upwards of 18 feet, but weighs less than a quarter what the Boa Constrictor weighs, and cannot consume prey as large as the Constrictor can.The largest snake to ever have existed is the long extinct Titanoboa cerrejonensis, at 43 feet long and 2500+ pounds, this monster would have trouble squeezing through a doorway! It most likely fed on massive prehistoric crocodiles and turtles.

How long can a sunbeam snake live?

They live for 20 years.