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For Unix/Linux, use the command 'cd /'

For Windows, you can also use the same command or 'cd \'

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Q: To move to the root directory use the command?
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What command in Linux do you use to return to the root directory?

"cd /" will move the user to the root directory, assuming the user has permission to move to this directory, and the user has not been chroot'ed to a specific directory (which will cause "cd /" to move the user to that named directory, instead of the system's root).

DOS command to create and move to the newly created directory?

You can use "xcopy" command. mkdir - to create a directory. move - to move one or more files in a new location.

Which MS-DOS command is used to delete a directory and its sub directories in one pass?

To delete directory and sub directory in single command, use "deltree" command..

What command would you use to remove a directory on a UNIX server?

If you are just removing the directory, use the command: rmdir dir-name The dir-name directory has to be empty for this to work. If there are files or other subdirectories then use the command: rm -rf dir-name

How do you move to your home directory using a relative path name?

There are several ways to do this. The easiest way is just to type the command 'CD', which automatically puts you in your home directory. Other ways: CD $HOME CD ~ CD ~login-id (use your login-id here) If you know the absolute path name, just use it with the 'CD' command: CD /home/staff/guy1

What command can you use to run the Active Directory Installation Wizard?

The command is DCPROMO

What command creates a sub directory under a directory?

Mkdir command creates a subdirectory under a directory (MD creates a directory) . The command Chdir changes the current Default directory(CD changes the current directory). The Rmdir removes the subdirectory(RD removes a directory).

What command would you use to create a new directory on a unix type of system?

Use the 'mkdir' command

What command did you use to create directory?

mkdir this is the new directory command. or in kde/gnome right click in a folder and choose new folder.

How will you CD to the parent directory of current directory in Linux?

Use the following command: cd .. The ".." indicates the parent of the current directory

What command would you use to find where executable file resides of the system in Linux?

"find / -executable" will search the root directory for executables. Not that this will also show directories that are accessible.

How do you remove a full directory in Linux?

To remove a directory that is full with other files or directories, use the below command. rm -rf directory