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To Madagascar.

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Q: To what island in Africa did Hitler want to send all of the Jews?
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When did Hitler send Jews to concentration camps?


When did Hitler send the Jews to Concentration Camps?

May 1940 in a big load but hitler did send jews to camps as early as 1933 but none of them were killed

Who did Hitler send to murder the Jews?

He didnt tell anyone to kill the jews but Hitler did order Heinrich Himmler to kill the jews in the camps quickly, cheaply and as efficently as possible

How many people Hitler send to jail?

6 million jews were killed

What general did Adolf Hitler send into Africa in World War 2?

Erwin Rommel

what did Hitler do that was bad?

he made camps for Jews where he starved them, put them in a gas chamber, tourtured, invaded their homes just to send them to the camps, killed Jews, separated families, etc.

What kind of things did Adolf Hitler do during the Holocaust?

Well one of the things that the terrible Adolf Hitler did was send innocent jews to Concentration Camps to be barried with gas and burned to death . He was also in charge of the Kristallnacht night of violence against Jews.

Why did the Nazis send people who were different to concentration camps?

because hitler thought that the people or jews were not of an perfect race so he would send them to concentration camps to maliciosly kill them

Who was the evil Nazi?

The evil Nazis were soldiers of Adolf Hitler who were there to mainly catch the Jews and send and guard them on the way to the gas chamber.

Did Stalin send Jews to concentration camps like Hitler?

No, though he turned anti-Jewish in old age (1951 on). There were antisemitic undertones during the Great Purges, but there was no attempt to exterminate ordinary Jews or send them to camps for simply being Jewish.

Did Hitler send troops to the future?

Hitler did not send troops to the future.

Did adolf Hitler tormented Jews in concentration camps?

Hell Yes, Hitler killed anyone who wasn't a pure German. aka Aryan. Hitler wouldn't kill them himself, He would send them to the Concentration Camps.