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Q: Today Cadbury uses high quality cocoa beans from which locations?
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Does Cadbury get their cocoa beans from west Africa?

Cadbury sources beans from Ghana, but also Indonesia and Malaysia, according to their Australian website.

What is cabury's unique selling point?

Cadbury's unique selling point is its creamy and rich-tasting chocolate, which is made with high-quality cocoa beans sourced sustainably. Additionally, Cadbury's distinctive purple packaging and iconic Dairy Milk bar have established the brand as a symbol of indulgence and quality in the chocolate industry.

What is the price for beans today?

Prices depend on where you live, when "today" might be, and what sort of beans you're talking about.

What does Chile depend on?

Chile depends on the quality of the beans, the spiciness of the peppers and the freshness of the beans

Which advert said I wish i was as clever as you Brian?

The advertisement containing "I wish I was as clever as you Brian" was aired on television. This advertisement was a commercial for Busch's Baked Beans.

How much is 1lb of beans in the US today?

Dried beans are about $1. Canned beans around 60-70 cents.

Why do you prefer chocolate of nestle brand?

Nestle is nicer than Cadbury's because some people find it creamier, while some people think Cadbury's is nicer than Nestle because it is made of more cocoa beans than Nestle.

Which coffee beans contain less caffeine and are of higher quality?


What coffee beans contain less caffeine and are of higher quality?


Where does Green Mountain come from?

Green Mountain refers to the Green Mountains, a mountain range in the state of Vermont, USA. The name originated from the French "Montagne Verte" given by explorer Samuel de Champlain in the 17th century due to the dense coniferous forests covering the mountains. Today, the Green Mountains are known for their natural beauty and outdoor recreational opportunities.

What do you do to coffee beans that increases the quality of the coffee?

You just roast the coffee beans (a popcorn popper works if you are roasting at home). The right timing helps but its usually the type of coffee bean that determines quality.

What are the main crops today?

corn and soy beans