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Q: Tolls from Illinois to Indiana
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How much money in tolls from Chicago to Gatlinburg TN?

No tolls in Tennessee. Ipass works all through Illinois of course AND through Indiana's tolls! Cost should be about $7 if you have an IPASS

What are the capitals of Indiana and Illinois?

Inidanapolis, Indiana and Springfield, Illinois.

Is Indiana east of Illinois?

Indiana is east of Illinois. Indiana is located between Illinois and Ohio. To the east of Ohio is the state of Pennsylvania.

Name the four states that border Michigan?

Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin

What is the state that is in between Indiana and Illinois?

There are no states between Indiana and Illinois

What borders Indiana to the west?

Illinois borders Indiana to the west.

What are the four states that boreder Lake Michigan?

Michigan, Wisconson, Illinois and Indiana touch Which_states_touch_Lake_MichiganMichigan.Read more: Which_states_touch_Lake_Michigan

If you traveled in a car from Detroit to Chicago what states would drive through?

Michigan, Indiana & Illinois.

How much does it cost in tolls to travel from Baltimore Maryland to Indianapolis Indiana using Interstate 70?

There are not any tolls on I-70 between Baltimore, Maryland, and Indianapolis, Indiana. There are tolls out west, but they end at Bonner Springs, which is close to Kansas City.

What is on the capital of the state to the east of Illinois?

Illinois is bordered by Indiana to the east. Indianapolis is the capital city in Indiana.

What is the capital of Indiana Illinois and Alabama?

indiana=indianapolis illinois=springfield alabama=montgomery

What states border the Ohio river and Lake Michigan?

Indiana and Illinois