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{| |- | The supplies were sent to Berlin. The East Berliners were being starved out. The US airlifted tons of supplies of food and coal to the city. It allowed a political solution to be worked out. |}

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Q: Tons of supplies were sent to prevent their submission to the Soviet Union?
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US president who ordered tons of supplies to airlifted into West Berlin to prevent theri submission to the Soviet Union?


Who was the u.s. presidnt who ordered supplies to be airlifted into west Berlin to prevent the submission to the soviet union?

U.S. President Harry S. Truman ordered supplies to be airlifted into West Berlin. This was done to prevent West Berlin from being overtaken by the Soviet Union.

What us president ordered tons of supplys to be airlifted into west Berlin to prevent their submission to the soviet union?

Harry Truman

What type of supplies did the us send to the Soviet Union?

The U.S., under the Lend-Lease Act, supplied the Soviet Union with outdated arms, tanks, trucks, and aircraft. The Soviet Union then took these supplies, stripped them of their manufacturers' logos and placed Soviet markings on them to make their men think that they were produced in the Soviet Union.

How did the Soviet Union get involved in Korea?

The Soviet Union did not fight directly but it aided North Korea by sending it supplies

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During the Korean War, the Soviet Union gave North Korea weapons and medical supplies.

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The average person in America was scared when the Nazi's attacked the Soviet Union. Many businesses in America were happy because they were making money supplying the Germans with supplies.

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"The Cold War" can be described as the name given to the non-fighting war between the West and the Soviet Union to prevent the spread of communism.

To try to gain control over West Berlin the Soviet Union .?

they tried to starve them and cut off supplies

What To try to gain control over West Berlin the Soviet Union .?

they tried to starve them and cut off supplies

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German troops were unable to maintain sufficient supplies.

This is an international organization created by the US and its allies in 1949 to prevent attacks by the Soviet Union?