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If at all the doctor tells you to go for root canal treatment please do not opt. If you go for it, be sure you go for the right doctor. Life time after root canal treatment is app 6-7 years after that they will tell you take that tooth off. It will cost you around 2500.00

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Q: Tooth still hurting pafter 5 days of antibiotics?
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Why is your mouth still hurting 1 year after wisdom tooth surgery?

You should follow up with your dentist. There could be damage to the TMJ, a problem with an adjacent tooth, or a remnant of tooth remaining in the socket, or maybe some other pathology.

Can you remove a wisdom tooth if it is still infected?

You need to treat the infected tooth with a dose of antibiotics first then you can remove it!!!

What is wrong when the teeth your dentist filled are still hurting three weeks later?

It means that might have a small hole in your tooth with the filling ( which might not be visible.) you will have to go to the dentist again to see if the cavity has continued to grow in your gum or tooth.

If the infection is in the bone can it be treated through antibiotics?

It can be treated with antibiotics, but it doesn't really solve the problem. The tooth will still need the treatment reccomended by the dentist; root canal or being taken out most likely. The antibiotics will just help get rid of the pain and make it easier to work on the tooth. The infection will come back. There is no real way to determine when, but it will, maybe a few weeks, maybe a few months, maybe a year, but it will be back and it will probably be worse. And if there is any way to save the tooth now, there may not be if you wait to have the treatment done.

What is a cure for a tooth that is already remove but still is hurting?

You are exposing nerves! Cover it with something and put a anti inflammitory cream that is for INTERNAL USE ONLY and it should be better. Get some Orajel.

If you have a tooth infection and have been taking antibiotics for a day is it normal for it to still be swollen?

Yes, but if it doesn't get better in another two or three days, call your doctor and let them know.

What happens when an abcessed tooth has been pulled and there is still infection?

You should go on a course of antibiotics and an X-ray should be taken to make sure a small piece of root has not been left in.

Is the infection gone in your tooth if its no longer hurting?

The pain may be gone, however an infection could still be there. If you are taking antibiotics, you should finish the full course. A follow-up dental visit along with a radiograph (x-ray) is a good idea. If you have done all this already and have no pain or symptoms, then the infection is probably gone. No symptoms for a long period of time is the best way to know for sure.

If you had an abscessed tooth removed but you still have swelling and pain where the tooth used to be could the infection still be in the jaw or gums?

That depends on how recently you had the tooth removed. If it was a few days ago, some swelling and pain are normal. But if it's been a week or more, that's not good. Yes, the infection could have spread. Call your dentist. It may be as simple as being prescribed antibiotics and/or the dentist may need to see you. ~ T

What do you do if your adult tooth is grown in your mouth and half of the baby tooth is still hanging on to your gum its been hanging on for ages its not hurting but not coming out what do you do?

You can try wiggling the "baby tooth" (if it doesn't hurt to do so) until it is loose enough to come out - most baby teeth have very short roots. If this doesn't work you need to see a dentist, the remaining baby tooth will cause displacement and over crowding of your new permanent teeth.

When you pull a puppy tooth will adult tooth still come in?

Have a vet do it.

Can you still have adult tooth under a baby tooth that has a crown?
