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Your 2001 Ford Explorer uses a key that has chip in it called a transponder (as you know). This chip has a mathematical formula that is used to answer a numeric question that your car generates. If the answer is correct the car's computer allows you to start the car. (A Simple Example: what is 5 multiplied by X?) The transponder and car both know that X = 2 so the chip responds with the answer 20, and the car, knowing the answer is correct, starts. This all happens in about a tenth of a second. There is also about a billion possible answers to the cars question, so if you use the wrong key, it will give the wrong answer, and the car will not start. So, to answer your question: If the key turns in the door and the ignition that it is working mechanically, but the transponder part is broken. If the key does not turn in the lock, the mechanical part of the key (the cuts on the key or the wafers in the lock) are not working properly. Either way, a Locksmith in your area should be able to help you out.

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Assuming the battery is good and the starter is cranking the engine over but the engine won't run, you are missing spark or fuel.

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Q: Transponder key wont start car HELP 2001 Ford Explorer xlt?
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