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Q: True or false southern states that seceded from the union were called confederacy?
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Where the southern states that seceded from the union called the confederacy?


What was the name of the Southern states after they seceded?

It was called the Confederacy. And The confederacy's President was Jefferson Davis.

What name was given to the southern states that seceded other than the south and the confederacy?

The Rebel States

The states that seceded from the union were called?

The Confederate States of America.

How many states seceded from the United States in 18861?

Eleven southern states declared their secession and formed the Confederacy.

Describe the founding of the confederacy?

The confederacy was formed when the Southern States seceded from the Union in 1861, thus starting the Civil War


a loose union of independent states; name of government used by the southern states that seceded during the Civil War

Who was named the Confederacy's President when the first southern states seceded from the Union in February 1861?

Jefferson Davis

List the events of the Fiery 50s Which event immediately happened before southern states seceded?

Events of the Fiery 50s before southern states seceded included election of Lincoln, holding of conventions, and formation of a confederacy.

What did southern states begin to do prior to the start of the civil war?

They seceded from the Union and set up an independent federation of States: the Confederacy.

What are the southern states called?

the Confederacy

What were the southern states called when they seceded?

The Confederate States of America, or the C.S.A.