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Q: Tubal ligation cut tied and burned-flutters and movement-tired ans weight gain Are you pregnant?
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Is it ok to diet while pregnant if you are extremely overweight you wasn't expecting to get pregnant after a tubal ligation but now you are and you are extremely overweight Is it ok to lose the weight?

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Does weight loss affect tubal ligation?

not usually unless you have an inflamed calculus

Can you get pregnant after weight loss surgery if you have had a Tubal ligation?

You are an idiot.If you have had tubal ligation, you have effectively rendered yourself sterile and done a great service to humanity.If you want to make Darwin cry, however, you would have to get your tubal ligation reversed (which wouldn't be covered by insurance) before anything else. After your tubal ligation got reversed, any doctor would recommend you wait for at least a year following weight loss surgery before attempting to get pregnant. Then, even if you did get pregnant, you would want to make sure to remain in constant contact with bariatric specialists for proper prenatal care.

Does every pregnant woman gain weight?

Every pregnant woman should gain the weight.

Do mothers get fat when they are pregnant?

Mothers do gain weight when they are pregnant.

Weight gain before a pregnancy test will show if pregnant or not?

If you have gained weight or not have nothing to do with it. If you are pregnant the test will show.

What if you have a late period?

then chances are u are pregnant but no too because u either lost weight or gained weight! then chances are u are pregnant but no too because u either lost weight or gained weight! well, your'e either pregnant or a man well, your'e either pregnant or a man

What is the best weight to get pregnant?

The weight that is healthy and normal to your height.

Is it healthy to have weight loss before you get pregnant?

It's perfectly fine and actually good for her to loose weight before she has another child. When you are over weight and pregnant it will put a tremendous amount of stress on your body so loosing weight before she gets pregnant will do her body wonders.

If pregnant do you gain weight in the first week?


Can losing weight increase chances of pregnancy?

Your weight doesn't matter - you can get pregnant no matter what.

How much weight should a pregnant women gain while pregnant?

200 pounds minimum.