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Two dominate females may fight to the death of one of the two, depending on the severity/seriousness of their fighting (what are they fighting about). Therefore, I'd recommend separating the 2 into individual cages if the fighting is severe enough.

My budgies are fighting then they start helping out each other soon...I don't understand.

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Q: Two female budgies - fight - separate - bullying?
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Why do budgies of different sex fight?

they shouldn't fight. if male and female fight, there is a problem.

2 male budgies fighting over female?

normal. 2 males can live together. so can male+female without mating. but get rid of one. they may fight to death.

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It can get a little crazy with so many budgies in one cage, but if the budgies get along and dont fight it should be okay for them all to nest in one cage.

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No. A color of a budgie has nothing to do with the way they play but if you had a boy and a girl budgie, the boy would be more easier to teach and more playful as the female budgie tends to bite a lot harder than the male budgie I have over 20 budgies and I got to say the male budgie gets along with each better than the female budgies who will fight for space Ihope this answers your Question.

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Male budgies are more friendly, and as long as there isn't a female to fight for, they should be all right. Though some things depend on their personalities.

Can guinea pigs live with budgies?

Okay , that's just plain ridiculous , budgies will scare the Guenia pigs or the other way round! They might fight!

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hamsters fight for dominance it always happens male male female female and male female all you can do is watch if it gets out of hand separate them hamsters are also solitary and they don't need company so don't feel bad separating them

Would 2 male budgies get along after a while?

If they had nothing to fight over, then yea.

Why does your bird fight with other birds?

Birds may fight for a number of reasons.Many birds are territorial, meaning they will fight to protect their own territory.Male birds often fight over females as they strive to establish their dominance.Female birds such as budgies can have a simple case of jealousy. Female budgies have been known to fight other females which have successfully raised chicks, sometimes attacking and killing the chicks. The only way to solve this problem is to remove the offending female from the cage.Some birds are predatory by nature, and will attack and fight birds in cages. The is the case with Australian magpies and Butcher birds.

What do you do when two female guinea pigs fight over a baby?

Immediatly separate the pig that isn't the mom and keep her in a separate cage until the baby is older.Otherwise the baby might get hurt.

Will two female hamsters fight in the same cage as the other if it has tubes to go to other cages?

yes, probably. They will be able to sense each other and then they will fight. Keep them in separate cages.