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The foreman's instructions were so abstruse that his workers tended to ignore them.

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Q: Use abstruse in a sentence
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Make a sentence with the word abtruse?

The word abstruse means difficult to understand. A good sentences would be, the toddler was so abstruse that it made us laugh.

What does abstruce mean?

Abstruse is a word used to describe someone who is difficult to understand. A good sentence would be, he was abstruse while he was explaining the 10 step math problem.

What part of speech is the word abstruse?

The word "abstruse" is an adjective.

What is the meaning of the word 'abstruse'?

The definition of the word abstruse is 'something that is not easy to understand'. Synonyms of abstruse are 'obscure', 'recondite', 'deep' and 'profound'.

What does abstruse mean?

The definition of the word abstruse is 'something that is not easy to understand'. Synonyms of abstruse are 'obscure', 'recondite', 'deep' and 'profound'.

What is the meaning of abstruse?

Concealed or hidden out of the way., Remote from apprehension; difficult to be comprehended or understood; recondite; as, abstruse learning.

What is the synonym for abstruse?

Abstruse means "difficult to understand" or "obscure". Some synonyms would be "recondite", "deep", or "profound".


n. language that is meaningless or is made unintelligible by excessive use of abstruse technical terms; nonsense

What does the word abstruse?

1. hard to understand; recondite; esoteric: abstruse theories.2. Obsolete. secret; hidden.any other questions visit,

What is abstruseness?

Abstruseness is the quality of being abstruse - concealed, hidden, or difficult or obscure to understand.

How do you use esoteric in a sentence?

(esoteric : not generally known or relevant, private, obscure, abstruse)My little sister's esoteric associates were the members of her make-believe tea party.The astronomers spent the night debating esoteric theories about Mars.Avoiding a political argument, we discussed esoteric details about the campaign stops.yes..... i use it all the timei say .. that was so esoteric!!!!so good.

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