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Tyler, Arthur, Andrew Johnson, Lyndon Johnson, Truman, Fillmore and Ford.

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Q: Vice Presidents who became president after that president died or resigned?
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Who was the only vice president to have assumed the presidency for a reason other than the president s death?

Gerald R. Ford was appointed vice president after the elected vice president Spiro Agnew resigned. Ford then became President when Nixon also resigned for reasons not related to Agnew's resignation.

Why did the 5 vice presidents that became presidents became presidents?

because the former president either died or resigned 14 U. S. Vice Presidents became President. 8 of them ascended to the presidency upon the death of the president. 4 of them were the incumbent vice president when they won a presidential election. 1 of them was a former vice president when he won a presidential election. 1 of them ascended to the presidency upon the resignation of the president

What are three reasons why vice presidents became presidents?

The presidents either died or resigned, and their vice presidents took office, or the vice presidents were elected on their own.

Who replaced Spiro T. Agnew?

After Vice President Agnew resigned, he was replaced by Vice President (former Speaker of the House) Gerald Ford, who then became president after Richard Nixon resigned.

Which Vice Presidents served as President first?

14 - nine were vice-presidents that became president when the president died or resigned, and five served out their full terms as elected vice-president, then ran for president and won.

Who became president when agnew resigned?

Spiro Agnew was Richard Nixon's Vice President. When Agnew resigned, Gerald Ford became VP.

Which president was vice-president but did not attain the presidency due to the death of a president?

Vice-president Gerald Ford became President because President Nixon resigned his office. Vice-Presidents Thomas Jefferson and Martin Van Buren ran for President and were elected, Vice-president Richard Nixon ran for president and lost, but 8 years later ran again and was elected.

Which vice president became president in 1974 when the acting president resigned?

Gerald ford

What president was never elected vice president or president in a national election?

Gerald Ford holds that distinction. He became Vice-president after the elected Vice-president, Agnew, resigned and then became president when President Nixon resigned. He later ran for a term of his own but lost the election to Carter.

What president was not elected into office?

The president who was not inaugurated and only took an oath on his residence was President John Tyler. This was after the death of President William Henry Harrison a month after his inauguration.

Which president is the only president not-elected to the presidency or vice-presidency?

Gerald R. Ford is the one. He was appointed vice-president when the elected vice-president Spiro Agnew resigned and became president when President Richard Nixon resigned.

Who was the president who din't win president or vice president?

You must mean Gerald Ford. He became vice president after Spiro Agnew resigned, became president after Richard Nixon resigned, and lost the general election to Jimmy Carter in 1976.