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Q: Video animals giving birth
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Related questions

What is the word for animals giving birth?

All animals give birth. Animals that give live births, like human, are called mammals.

Have we video taped great white sharks giving birth?


What animals feel pain while giving birth?

all of them

What is a rabbits giving birth called?

A rabbit's birth process is called kindling. :)

Where can video clips of childbirth be viewed?

Video clips of childbirth can be found from websites such as Baby Center and Video of Birth. The websites feature several videos of women giving birth to children.

What animal dies after giving birth?

Salmon Octopus Squid May Flies Come to think of it all animals die after giving birth. If they died before giving birth there's a good chance of them becoming extinct.

What give birth to live young mean?

Basically, there are two ways for animals to make new animals. Either by laying eggs (like birds) or by giving birth. Giving birth means the mother producing a baby version of herself, like humans.

Which animals reproduce by giving birth?

A seahorse By: Zach L. ps:Go RED SOX!!! A seahorse By: Zach L. ps:Go RED SOX!!!

What is a chickens parturition?

The act of parturition for chickens is called laying eggs. Parturition is the act of giving birth in animals.

What are the drawbacks of showing children a video of a woman giving birth?

They might be very shocked by seeing a woman giving birth and can get traumatized. It is strongly recommended to not show these kind of videos to children.

What does it mean if a guinea pig is spotting blood before giving birth?

animals usually dont spot before giving birth they might during and after, if your worried ask a vet.

Are there any records of humans giving birth to animals?

Yes my sister had sex with our dog and had a litter of puppies.