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How may the Earth's position in space be related to the cycle of extinctions earth?

How may the Earth's position in space be related to the cycle of extinctions on earth

Is the earth supported in space?

yes but space has no gravity so the earth orbits the sun in order to stay in the right position.

What is Earth's position in space?

We would be a little spec on earth is your answer! -------------------------- We are in an outer arm (spiral) of the milky way galaxy.

Is a star map useful in space?

A star map shows the position of the stars as seen from the Earth, so making it useless when viewed from space.

Where is the hubble space telescope located?

The HST is located in space. It flies round the Earth once in 97 minutes; so the actual position is changing constantly.

Where is Mars located usually?

In space, orbiting the sun. Its orbital position is fourth, between the Earth and Jupiter or, more specifically, between the Earth and the asteroid belt.

What is differences between space satellite and earth satellite?

space satellites are in space and earth satellites are in earth.

What force keeps the earth in its orbit and stops it from flying off into space?

gravity pulls the earth into position so it doesn't move away and gravity is what holds us down onto the earth as well.

How do you use space pens on earth?

The only difference between space pens and any other kind of pen is that space pens work in any position in which you hold them, whereas other pens need gravity to make the ink flow to the tip, so that they will dry up if you try to write with them in the wrong position.

What does earth have with space?

The Earth Space with has because the plans..

What is earth apart of in space?

Yes earth is in space

Why is space not on earth?

There are spatial dimensions on Earth. So space ison Earth.!