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Joseph Stalin's outcome was one of epic proportions. The USSR took over much of Europe and became a world power.

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Q: WHAT was a result of Joseph Stalin's polices the Soviet Union?
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As a result of Joseph Stalin's polices the Soviet Union?

Answer this question… did not produce goods based on consumer demand.

Historians estimate that the number of people who died as a result of stalins policies was?

30 million

Joseph Stalin reversed the cold war with a policy called what?

Stalin never reversed the Cold War. He began it and continued it to his death in 1953. Mikhail Gorbachev began reversing the Cold War attitude with the policies of "perestroika" (restructuring) and "glasnost" (openness). These were actually polices that affected the internal operations of the USSR in a direct way. This then had the indirect result of reducing Cold War tensions and then to the ultimate dissolution of the Soviet Union itself.

What was the result of the soviet rejection?

Soviet influence diminished in Western Europe

The Soviet Union began to fight against Germany as a result of what?

Germany invaded the Soviet Union.

Stalin became the Soviet leader as the result of?


Stalin became leader of the soviet union a result of what?

lenons death.

What was the result of central economic planning in the soviet union?

In United States, you get to make money, back in Soviet Russia, money make you!

The soviet union began to fight against Germany as a result of?

there was misunderstandings and war

What was the major result of the space race?

The USA and the Soviet union got along

What was the end result of cold war?

The end of the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc.

Who created the Soviet Union. and in what year?

The Soviet Union came into being in 1917 as a result of the Russian Revolution. At least, that was when Russia ceased to be ruled by the Tsar.