

Was 300 movie fact or fiction?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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12y ago

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probably fiction AND fact

like, there is a place called Sparta, but obviously there was no loud guy yelling his head off.. - sorry, i didn't really like the movie

Actually, there was. Leonidas was famous for his loud voice and warcry!

Andriean Scot:- My username mean Scot of Manliness. andriea being the ancient spartan word for maleness, summing up their civilization in one!

Anywho, 300 is VERY fact filled, right down to individual words spoken. These were really said:

"They look thirsty!" - Spartan

"Then Let's give them something to drink!" - Leonidas

"Immortals? We'll put their name to the test!" - Leonidas

"Only Spartan Women produce real men" - Gorgo

"We will fight in the shade" - Dieneces

"Tonight we dine in Hell" - Leonidas

Persian - "Spartans! Hand over your arms!"

Leonidas - "Come and get Them"

Ephialtes however was not deformed, nor ex-spartan. He lived in Malis, a town in the hills south of Thermopylae. The number of Persians is actually underrated in the film!! Herodotus records there being 5,283,220 Persians (but that is probably a lie!) to 300's 2,000,000!! In the film they actually put a piece of unhistorical clothing on the Spartans! They wore no sandals, from childhood they walked over sharp rocks and ashes to harden their soles. Other than that and a missing cuirass, their armor is fairly accurate. Also, the Immortals were not souless beast, just 10,000 crack troops recruited by Xerxes to be his bodyguard, they were not ninjaesque, they looked verymuch like the emissaries at the beginning of the movie. I could say more as i am a scholar of thermopylae if youwant more info email me at, I'll be glad to respond!

Of Course 300 is a retelling of Thermopylae by the Spartans (Delios prior to the battle of Platea). So all that is shown in 300 is what the Spartans of course could have recounted it as! Deformed old creatures, huge half naked almost indestructable warriors. It's all relative!

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