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No certainly not.

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Q: Was Eve's vagina the tree of knowledge that produced the forbidden fruit?
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How Eve tempted Adam to share the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge?

Eve after eating the forbidden fruit convinced Adam to eat it and they would be like god.

What are the ways you can grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ?

by eating the forbidden fruit[i guess..]:]

How is the forbidden fruit relevant to Twilight?

In "Twilight," the forbidden fruit theme is represented by the danger associated with Bella's relationship with Edward. Edward's vampire nature makes their love forbidden, as it puts Bella in physical danger. Their love parallels the idea of forbidden fruit, where the desire for something unattainable leads to consequences.

What was Adams downfall in the Bible.?

Adam took a bite of the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Why was the tree of life forbidden?

Only the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was forbidden. The fruit of the Tree of Life was freely available until after sin had entered into the world, after which time the consumption of the fruit (while not expressly forbidden) was not compatible in a world of sin with its consequence of death.

Who ate the apple from the forbidden tree - Adam or Eve?

Both ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil: a serpent tempted Eve who ate it first and then offered the forbidden fruit to Adam. But the bible never identifies that fruit as being an apple...

What tree in Eden was the forbidden tree?

The forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. According to the Bible, Adam and Eve were specifically instructed by God not to eat the fruit from this tree.

Is the forbidden an apple?

The apple is the forbidden fruit according to early Christian scholars. A forbidden fruit was mention in the bible, but it did not say what kind of fruit it was.

Who designed the Twilight apple cover?

Stephenie Meyer has stated that the apple on the cover represents the forbidden fruit from the book of Genesis. It symbolizes Bella and Edward's love, which is forbidden, similar to the fruit of the Tree Of knowledge, as is implied by the quote from Genesis 2:17 that is quoted at the beginning of the book. It also represents Bella's knowledge of what good and evil are, and the choice that she has in partaking of the "forbidden fruit", Edward, or choosing not to see him.

What does the forbidden fruit in the Bible symbolize?

What sinning feels like; the vacillation between sinning and obeying.

Why do they use an apple for the cover of twilight?

Because to Edward, Bella is the forbidden Fruit, they are forbidden to be together but somehow, the forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest.

What does the apple on the Twilight books stand for?

There is a part where Bella drops an apple and Edward does a trick. He catches it on his foot it goes up in the air and he catches it in his hand. Stephenie Meyer has stated that the apple on the cover represents the forbidden fruit from the Book of Genesis. It symbolizes Bella and Edward's love, which is forbidden, similar to the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, as is implied by the quote from Genesis 2:17 that is quoted at the beginning of the book. It also represents Bella's knowledge of what good and evil are, and the choice that she has in partaking of the "forbidden fruit", Edward, or choosing not to see him.