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no george was actually taught in a log school in fredricksburg Virginia

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Q: Was George Washington taught in an old-field school?
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What school did George Washington teach?

George Washington taught at no school

Who taught George Washington to be a soldier?

It was George Washington's older brother Lawrence that taught him the basics of soldiering.

What was the name of the school George Washington went to when he was a kid?

George Washington's education is something of a mystery. He was taught at home by someone- there were no schools nearby that he could have gone to.

How did George Washington get politically involved?

He was taught by his father and was into it from then on!!

Who taught George Washington how to be a soldier?

George Washington also served in the British army.

Was George Washington taught to be a leader?

you stink like a skunk

Who was the first president who attended school?

John Adams is the first that is known to have gone to school. He walked to a one-room school. George Washington's early education is not known. He was taught the basics somewhere.

What high school did George Washingtons go to?

George Washington's education is largely a mystery. He obviously was taught basic reading and writing and arithmetic. His family most likely hired a school master or private tutors for him at their plantation home. High schools as know them did not exist until long after Washington's day.

Where did George Washington teach?

he taught at Tuskegee Institute as a scientist

What did George Washington teach farmers in the south in the early 1930's?

George Washington Carver taught farmers methods of soil conversation.

Where did George Washington go to live after his father died?

George Washington went to live with his much older, married brother in Virginia. It was there that George taught himself how to do land surveys.

Who taught George Washington about the trade of surveying?

oh get off of this i am in a good mood