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The King James Version is an English translation of The Bible which indeed has transliterated the tetragrammaton YHWH (the divine name) as "Jehovah" in English four times, notably at Ex.6:3, Ps.83:18, Is.12:2 and Isaiah 26v4. Although the tetragrammaton appeals in the original text about 7000 times, no KJV has had the name in more than the above mentioned four passages. Therefore it would be inaccurate to say that the name (Jehovah) has ever been "taken out of the King James Bible". It would be tecnically more accurate to say that the tetragrammaton has been inconsistently transliterated.

**The original texts of the bible were written not in English but in the Hebrew language. English words (eg "Jehovah" "Jesus", "Jerusalem"...) first appeared in English translations of the texts. Some translations, including the King James Version, have been revised.

The proper name of the Old Testament god - Jehovah - does not occur anywhere in the Hebrew scriptures. Orthodox Jews of the old period would have considered it blasphemous to directly name the Lord of Hosts. So the name Jehovah was not taken out of any bible - because it was never there in the first place. (Though the term Jehovah in fact does occur in the Authorised Version). The origins of the term Jehovah - which probably never existed in biblical times - are interesting in themselves. I have given you a link to the basic scholarship on the issue, but a more radical reading of who we really mean when we call on Jehovah can be found in Robert Graves' The White Goddess.

Though that book is not suitable reading for children or those of a nervous disposition.

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Q: Was Jehovah word taking out King James bible?
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The Jehovah witness bible i think remove the word that JESUS IS GODS SON.

Where in the Bible are the words Jehovah Jireh?

Genesis 22:14. Best to read in King James Version as it actually mentions the words 'Jehovah Jireh'.

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The name Jehovah appears 4 times in the King James Version by my count, 7 if you include variants (such as Jehovahjireh).

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The name "Yahweh" does not appear in the King James Bible. Instead the KJV uses the name "Jehovah" as the representation of the name of God.

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In the KJV it is found 7 times in Old Testament books. It is not found in the newer and revised NKJV. However, the brand new DNKJB (Divine Name King James Bible) has 'restored' the name 'Jehovah' 6,972 times.

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Jehovah's Witnesses primarily use the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures but often reference other translations, including the King James version in their study of the holy writings.

Is there a revision of the King James Bible that restores Jehovah's name?

The most modernly translated bible is the New world Translation of the holy Scriptures. King James version was made by Catholics, who beleive that Jehovah is more of a curse. If someone said it in a wrong way, then god would get angry, so early catholics limited the name to a few places in the bible. Now a days, there is only three places in the king James version. And the new King James version does not have it at all.

What country did Jehovah's Witnesses originate?

The watchtower society and the name Jehovah's Witnesses originated here in the United States but I'm going to bring something to your attention that you probably did not know. King James the same King that wrote The Bible had a bad habit he liked boys and when he was in his teenage years he used to sleep with boys. King James's mother what often shout at James James Jehovah does not like you in bed with boys. Well the day came that King James got sick of his mother and locked her in the tower we're a couple of weeks later she mysteriously fell to her death not so mysterious! Then King James proceeded to write the Bible version that's called the King James Bible and in writing he removed the name Jehovah pretty much completely from the Bible. He also softened up the Bible scriptures about homosexuality he used less graphic terms like men who sleep with men instead of blatantly saying committing homosexual sodomy Acts. Anyway it was pretty apparent that King James mother was worshiper of Jehovah.

Was the Jehovah's witness bible changed?

In some copies of the Bible, in the introduction, it tells you that the name of God YHWH has been taken out of the Bible. If you look in old versions of the King James Bible it still has the name of God, YHWH or Jehovah, in four places. For instance, Psalms 83:18, and Exodus 6:3. But most Bible translations are taking it out and replacing it with 'Lord.' The Bible replaces the 7,000 times God's name Jehovah was there.

What is the difference between the king James version bible and the 21st century king James version Bible?

It is pretty much the same. One difference I found was at Psalms 68:4, whereas the 21st Century King James uses the devine name of God, Jehovah, the King James uses the shortened form, Jah.

Where in the kings James versions is Jehovah found?

Some places where the name jehovah can be found in the king James bible is Psalm 83:18, Exodus 6:3, Isaiah 12:2, and Isaiah 26:4

When was the King James version of the Bible translated?

The Authorised King James Bible was translated by over 50 world class scholars taking 7 years to complete (1604 - 1611)