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No, Abraham Lincoln was the President during the Civil War.

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Q: Was John Quincy Adams president during the civil war?
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What role did president John Quincy Adams play in the American civil war?

John Quincy Adams as president- proposed a grand program of modernization and educational advancement that would lead to an end to slavery, but was unable to get it through Congress. Later in life, as a Congressman, he argued that if a civil war ever broke out the president could abolish slavery by using his war powers, a policy followed by Abe Lincoln(Emancipation Proclamation 1863)

What side did john Quincy Adams take in the civil war?

Adams didn't take a side, because he died before the war began.

How did John Quincy Adams engage in civil disobedience?

He engaged by ignoring the gag rules and reading the petition

Who is president during the civil?

Abraham Lincoln was the president during the civil war.

Who is the president during the civil war?

Abraham Lincoln was the president during the civil war.

What did John Quincy Adams do to help end slavery?

John Quincy Adams was a strong opponent of slavery and used the various positions he held to promote abolition of slavery As president he proposed programs that would lead to an end to slavery, but was unable to get it through Congress. Later in life, as a Congressman, he argued that if a civil war ever broke out the president could abolish slavery by using his war powers, a policy followed by President Abraham Linclon (Emancipation Proclamation 1863) who eventually succeeded.

What war was john Quincy Adam in during his presidency?

the American civil war

Who was the president during the civil rights movement?

The president during the Civil Rights Movement was John F Kennedy :)

Who was the president of the government during the Civil War?

Abraham Lihcoln was the president during the US civil war.

Who Was the Vice President during the Civil Wra?

During the civil war the vice president was Andrew Johnson. Then after President Lincoln was assassinated Johnson became president.

How was the president of the time of the Civil War?

Abraham Lincoln was the president during the Civil War.

President in American Civil War?

Abraham Lincoln was President during the Civil War.