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No doctor diagnosed him as such, but his school counselors found him in need of help.

No one who beats his wife is mentally in good shape.

His neurotic need to become historic and famous was not exactly normal, either. Did you know he called his diary "Historic Diary"? After failing to become famous and historic by defecting to Russia... returning... trying to murder General Walker... organize a Fair Play for Cuba chapter that had more than just him in it...defect to Cuba... he finally found a way of getting noticed.

His final act on this Earth was to raise his handcuffed fist up by his head in the well-known Communist "Knuckle/Head" salute. Appropriate enough.

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A psychiatric examination was given him when he was 13 because of school truancy at a juvenile reformatory. The psychiatrist said that he had "a vivid fantasy life, turning around omnipotence and power, through which he tries to compensate for his shortcomings and frustrations." The doctor observed schizoid features and passive-aggresive tendencies and reccommended further treatment which he never received. Four years later he was in the Marine Corps, and if they failed to notice that he was a "nut case", it would have been an extremely rare event.

No other mental health examination was conducted during his lifetime. He was a functional individual and is unlikely to have been considered to have had a mental dsorder, and post-mortem psychiatric studies, while interesting readings, most often are flawed, and rarely have medical, legal or historical validity.

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Q: Was Lee Harvey Oswald mentaly ill?
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