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It was completely political. He did not free any slaves with this declaration. Slaves in northern states remained slaves.

The issue was a growing population of property, black slaves that the north was collecting. Were they people or property? The United States still allowed slavery, so they technically could not be freed. They could not sell the slaves to other northern slave owners without other political fallout, so the logical choice was to free them so they could fight as soldiers.

Slavery ended the December AFTER the civil war ended. Lincoln did not live to see this end.

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Chiefly political - keeping Britain and France from helping the Confederates, because it would make them look pro-slavery themselves.

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Q: Was Lincoln's decision to issue the Emancipation Proclamation a moral or military decision?
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Keeping Britain and France from sending military aid to the Confederates, for fear of looking pro-slavery.

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He issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which kept the British from sending military aid to the Confederates.

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The Emancipation Proclamation declare freedom for slaves in the ten states remaining at war with the Union. It also allowed military service for freedman who were deemed competent for service.

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