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No. The daughter of the above was Mary Tudor, Bloody Mary, Queen Mary I. Mary Queen of Scots is the mother of the King that suceeded Elizabeth I, King James I , VI of Scotland.

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Q: Was Mary queen of Scots the offspring of king Henry viii and kathryn of argon?
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Who did Henry VIII marry after Catherine of argon?

King Henry V III married Anne Boleyn.

How did Catherine of argon end her marriage to Henry?

"we through, you fat fool!"

Why was Henry and the pope close in 1512?

Henry VIII and the pope was close because the pope was catherine of argon's nephew.

Why was Henry VIII and the pope close in 1512?

Henry viii and the pope was close because the pope was catherine of argon's nephew.

Why did henry want to deveroce catherne of argon?

Deveroce is probably too strong a term regarding their relationship. In a milder term, such as blood-let, Henry probably found Catherne of Argon stealing oil from her company. I'm guessing Henry was her boss, or maybe a jealous lover who couldn't let his affair get in the way of advancing his career. She probably got in the way when she took oil from Argon. This is probably the truth.

What happens when argon is burnt?

Argon won't burn. It is used in industrial processes like welding and metal smelting as a shielding gas. Some of those processes will heat the argon to 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and it doesn't burn. WRONG Henry Cavendish died when he heated Argon

Which wife of King Henry VIII produced a daughter named Mary?

Catherine of Argon was the 1 wife of Henry VIII, she gave birth to Mary.

Influence of Henry VIII and Anglican church?

Henry VIII was excommunicated from the church for divorcingCatherine of Argon, so he started his own religion to marry Anne Bolyen

Which wife did Henry VIII find ugly?

I think that he hated Catherine Of Argon the most because he was forced to marry to her by his father Henry VII and also she gave lots of stillbirths and could not produce a male heir to the throne. Also while he was married to Catherine Of Argon he secretly went out with Anne Boleyn.

What does the chemical Ar stand for?

Ar is the chemical symbol for argon.

What are All the Atoms in argon?

Argon is an element and all the atoms in argon are argon atoms.

Is oxygen chlorine silicon or argon?
