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Peter the Great was an intelligent and ambitious ruler. His main goal was to get Russia out of the dark ages, and he would do anything to accomplish this (tax peasants for a military, traveled around Western Europe to learn of new inventions, etc.) Though there were many improvements and much success, many died and taxes were increased by 500%.

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12y ago
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10y ago

Actually, Peter the Great was the first Russian absolute monarch. His mimicking of the Western technological modernisation rested on absolute autoctatic foundation. To consolidate power he even prevented new patriarchal elections after the death of Patriarch Adrian in 1700. After a long vacancy of the see, he abolished the patriarchate altogether (1721) and transformed the central administration of the church into a department of the state, which adopted the title of "Holy Governing Synod."

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8y ago
The Tsar in theory already was an absolute monarch when Peter ascended the throne. But by breaking the power of the Boyars he saw to it that the only other political power center effectively disappeared.
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11y ago

Determined government policies without the consent of their people.

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11y ago

Put tax on Beards and made them change their fashion. MOdernized them , use the table o Ranks.

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11y ago

Henery the 8th did not have absolute power because there was no such thing as that.

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