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AnswerNo, he was not. He wrote of his experiences afterward.
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Q: Was Thoreau in jail when he wrote Civil Disobedience?
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What is the name of the french prison that Thoreau gave to the concord jail?

Thoreau referred to the Concord Jail as "the Bastille" in his essay "Resistance to Civil Government" (also known as "Civil Disobedience"). This comparison reflects his belief that unjust laws and imprisonment were equivalent to the tyranny of the French monarchy.

Where was David Thoreau when he became inspired to write resistance to civil government?

In Jail

When did Henry David Thoreau refuse to pay his taxes?

To protest slavery

What was Henry david Thoreau primary purpose in writing civil disobedience?

Henry David Thoreau wrote Civil Disobedience as a form of protest against taxation. He spent the night in jail after refusing to pay a tax that would fund the Mexican War. He thought that submitting to the tax was being a slave to the government.

What are the anecdotes in Civil Disobedience?

when he was put in jail

What did Thoreau believe in in Civil disobedience?

Thoreau believed in the power of individual conscience and moral principles to guide one's actions, even if it meant disobeying unjust laws. He advocated for nonviolent protest and passive resistance as a way to challenge oppressive governments and spark change. Thoreau also emphasized the importance of personal autonomy and the responsibility of individuals to act according to their own beliefs.

Why does Thoreau think it is foolish for him to be put in jail?

Thoreau believed it was foolish for him to be put in jail because he felt that the government was unjust and he could not in good conscience support its actions. He considered civil disobedience a moral duty in the face of unjust laws. Thoreau believed that his incarceration was a reflection of the government's failure to recognize individual conscience and moral autonomy.

Why was Thoreau not upset about being put in jail?

Thoreau was not upset about being put in jail because he saw it as an opportunity to protest and resist unjust laws. He believed in civil disobedience as a way to challenge the government's actions and bring attention to social injustices. Thoreau viewed his time in jail as a form of peaceful protest and a way to stand up for his beliefs.

How does Thoreau's night in jail affect him?

Thoreau's night in jail reinforced his belief in civil disobedience and the power of individual conscience over unjust laws. It inspired him to write his essay "Civil Disobedience" and further solidified his commitment to living a life of simplicity and nonconformity.

How does the fact that Thoreau spent only one night in jail affect your evaluation of his opinion?

Thoreau's brief time in jail does not diminish the validity of his opinion on civil disobedience and the role of the individual in society. His experience, reinforced by his strong beliefs, helped shape his influential views on nonviolent resistance and the importance of standing up for one's principles.

Thoreau's night in jail for tax delinquency resulted specifically from?

Thoreau's night in jail for tax delinquency resulted from his refusal to pay taxes in protest of the Mexican-American War and slavery. Thoreau believed that individuals had a moral obligation to resist unjust laws, which led to his act of civil disobedience and subsequent incarceration.

Why is david Henrie famous?

Among many things, Henry David Thoreau is widely known for his transcendentalist philosophical writings such as Walking and Walden, which reflected upon the simplicity, beauty and spirituality of mother earth- nature.Henry David Thoreau was also well known for his essay, Civil Disobedience, where he calls for individual resistance to a government when the individual is in moral opposition to said governments practices. Henry David Thoreau practiced Civil Disobedience in the form of not paying his government taxes to protest Slavery and The Mexican American War and was thrown into jail.