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Q: Was a Anderson shelter built outside?
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When was an Anderson shelter invented?

they were built in ww2

Why is an Anderson shelter strong?

Anderson shelters were built to protect people from air raids during World War II. They were built strong to protect those inside.

What is better Anderson or Morrison shelters?

i think the Morrison shelter was built under a table with metal all around

Was the Anderson shelter smaller than the Morrison shelter?

No, the other way around. The Morrison Shelter was a small sized one, so it could fit in the house and usually placed under dining table or underneath the stairs. The Anderson Shelter was outside and is family size.

Why was an Anderson shelter called an Anderson shelter?

An Anderson shelter was called an Anderson shelter because the person that invented them, his second name was Anderson. Same with a Morrison shelter really.

What is the differences between an Anderson shelter ands a Morrison shelter?

An Anderson shelter is something you would have in your garden but a Morrison shelter is something that is public so everyone could use it..... Correction..A Morrison shelter was a metal frame that could be self erected inside your own home. The purpose was to protect your family from falling masonry etc. Public shelters were often in underground stations, church halls and the like. They were signified by a large white letter 'S' on a black background.

What type of shelter they have?

Anderson shelter or Morrison shelter.

What type of shelter do they have?

Anderson shelter or Morrison shelter.

Why are did they build Anderson shelter?

The British built them during the Blitz to protect themselves against the bombs.

How did they get the name for Anderson shelter?

The Anderson Shelter was named after John Anderson (Viscount Waverley) who was Minister for Home Security during 1939/40.

What is an Anderson shelter made of?

Anderson shelters are air raid shelters. They were made from six corrugated iron sheets bolted together at the top with steel plates at either end, and were half buried in the ground with earth heaped on top to protect them from bomb blasts.

Who was Anderson Shelter named by after?

The Outside air raid shelter was named after sir John Anderson in 1938.