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Bloody Mary ( Mary I) and Elizabeth I were half sisters. There Father was Henry VIII. Mary's mother was Catherine of Aragon, Henry's first wife, who was divorced. Elizabeth's mother was Anne Bolyne, Henry's second wife who was beheaded.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Queen Mary I of England (1516 - 1558) was known as 'Bloody Mary' because of the hundreds who were burnt at the stake in her reign for religious reasons.

See also the Related Question for an American myth about Bloody Mary.

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11y ago

bloody mary has a sister, her sister is the queen of England.

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12y ago

No. Elizabeth went on the be one of the best Queen's England has ever seen. To this day she is honored for her skill at being a ruler.

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12y ago

bloody marys sister is elizabeth the first but really they are half sisters

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12y ago

Yes, Queen Elizabeth the first was her half sister.

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11y ago

No, Bloody Mary, is her sister.

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Q: Was bloody Mary and Queen Elizabeth of England sisters?
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Do you mean which country was Queen Elizabeth crowned Queen? GEEZ SPECIFY YOUR BLOODY QUESTIONS TO GET AN ANSWER England.

Who was The woman known as the protestant queen?

Queen Mary of England. That's why we have the drink "bloody Mary".

Who succeeded bloody mary as queen of england?

Queen Elizabeth the first Mary's younger sister.

What was the name of bloody Mary's baby?

Queen Mary I of England, also known as "Bloody Mary", died childless, leaving her throne to Elizabeth I.

Was bloody marry a better queen than elizabeth 1st?

it depends what you mean. bloody Mary tried to restore Catholicism to England, and burnt Protestants to try and get her way. Elizabeth wanted to restore protestantism, and in some respects succeeded. if you were Protestant Elizabeth was a better queen, but if you are catholic Mary was a better queen. hope that helps! PS: bloody Mary wasn't actually that bloody!

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the Father of King EdwardVl was King Henry Vlll his sisters were Mary (Bloody Mary) and Elizabeth, later Queen Elizabeth l

Who were queen Elizabeth the 1st brothers and sisters?

Elizabeth I had no brothers and sisters. Her father, King Henry VIII of England, beheaded her mother when Elizabeth was only 3. She did have a half-brother named Edward who was born after her to Jane Seymour, as well as a half-sister named Mary (also known as Bloody Mary) who was born before Elizabeth to Catherine of Aragon.

Did Queen Elizabeth killed her half sister Mary queen of Scots?

You are confused. Mary I of Scotland (Mary Queen of Scots) was the daughter of Elizabeth's cousin. Elizabeth's half-sister was Mary I of England (Bloody Mary). She obviously did not kill her as Elizabeth had a long and fruitful reign after Mary's death.

Who was the queen of England before Queen Elizabeth?

If you mean Queen Elizabeth I of England, it was Queen Mary I of England, her sister. If you mean Queen Elizabeth II, it was King George VI, her father.

How many people did Mary queen of Scots Kill?

Nope: it's the other way round. Mary I of Scotland (Mary, Queen of Scots) was executed on the order of Elizabeth I in Fotheringhay Castle, Northamptonshire in 1567. Plus, Mary I of Scotland and Elizabeth I of England were not half-sisters. Elizabeth I was first cousin of Mary I's father. You've probably confused Mary I of Scotland with Mary I of England, who was Elizabeth I's half-sister, enemy and predecessor. Mary I of England (Bloody Mary) died a natural death, as did Elizabeth I

Bloody queen of England?

Mary I.

Who was the half-sister to Mary Queen of Scots?

Mary Tudor also known as "Bloody Mary"Elizabeth I had an older half sister named Mary. Elizabeth II has a younger sister named Margaret.