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In the 1857 US Supreme Court decision that involved the Dredd Scott case, the Court stated the slaves were property and, also, they could never be US citizens. This pro-slavery decision would later require an amendment to the US Constitution in order to abolish slavery.

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Q: Was dred Scott decision pro or antislavery?
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In 1857 the Supreme Court took a pro-slavery stand that pushed the US closer toward war This decision was known as what?

The Dred Scott decision.

Why did the kansas nebraska act and the dred Scott decision anger those who appose slavery?

When the US Congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, it angered antislavery groups because they believed it would expand the institution of slavery in new States and Territories. That was because political leaders such as Senator Stephen Douglas and others believed in what was called popular sovereignty. This called for a vote among citizens as to whether slavery would be allowed in a given territory or State. The pro-slavery movement from the South was strong, thus abolitionists were concerned about the spread of this institution. The Dred Scott case was decided by the US Supreme Court. It was a long written decision that basically stated the slaves were property and that slavery was legal under the US Constitution. This was a blow to the antislavery movement.

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Why did dred scott help cause the civil war?

The Dred Scott Case, during the Civil War, was a large controversy about African America rights and freedoms and whether they applied in "free states" that didn't allow slavery. See answer to "Who was Dred Scott" :)

Why did the Dred Scott decision strengthen Northern suspicions about a slave power conspiracy?

Chief Justice Rodger B. Taney's ruling in The Dred Scott case stated that slaves could not legally claim violation of his constitutional rights because he has none because slaves were not considered citizens of the United States. Furthermore, he stated that Blacks were an inferior race and had " rights to which the white man was bound to respect." Because the Dred Scott decision was such a racist pro-southern one, this caused many Northerners to believe that the courts were corrupt and therefor lacked the power to serve justice. The US Supreme Court decision, by itself however, did not point to a slave power conspiracy. And it should be noted that the general uproar was generated by Northern abolitionists, not the ordinary Northern citizen.

Was the election of Lincoln to the presidency pro slavery or antislavery?

The election of Lincoln to the presidency was considered to be both pro-slavery and antislavery. However, he was predominantly supported by antislavery forces because he fought for abolition.

What does the term Bleeding Kansas describe?

the fighting between proslavery and antislavery groups in Kansasthe violent clashes between pro slavery and antislavery groups in the Kansas territory.

Why was the Dred-Scott court case a disaster for abolitionist?

1.) Slaves are not citizens and can't sue. 2.) Slaves are property. 3.) Slavery should be legal everywhere. It left the decision to allow slavery or not, up to the territories This would have tipped the scales of representation in favor of the pro-slavery South.

Consider that the Dred Scott ruling disallowed federal territories from outlawing slavery First what complication did this add to abolitionists seeking to end this institution throughout the union?

Since the Dred Scott decision said the government had no right to outlaw slavery in the western territories, abolitionists saw this as more slave states, which would mean more pro-slavery members of Congress and greater difficulty getting any anti-slavery legislation passed. In addition, since the High Court had already drew a pro-slavery line in the sand, the legal system was no longer working on their side.

How did the Dred Scott decision move people closer to war?

The Dred Scott decision by the US Supreme Court strengthened the cause of pro slavery people, especially in the South. As a subjective answer to this, I maintain that the Court decision did not affect, or bring the USA to Civil War. There is no evidence to the contrary. Therefore I stand on this opinion.

What does the bleeding Kansas describe?

the fighting between proslavery and antislavery groups in Kansasthe violent clashes between pro slavery and antislavery groups in the Kansas territory.