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No, the name of this plan was the final solution.

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Q: Was genocide the name that Hitler used for his plan to eliminate the Jews?
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Related questions

What was the persecution of many Jews?

It was called several things: the Holocaust or as Hitler called it "the Final Solution". Another name was genocide.

What is the name of trying to eliminate ethnic groups?


What is the name of the person who helped Hitler in killing Jews?

There were hundreds of people who helped Hitler in killing the Jews, from party officials to the people working in the concentration and extermination camps, so it would be too many to name them all, and practically impossible.

Why did the holocaust aimed at jews?

The Holocaust is the name we give to the German attempted genocide of the Jews.

What is another name for the systematic destruction of the Jews?

The Holocaust or genocide

What is another name for the annihilation of Jews?

* Holocaust * Shoah * "Final solution" * Nazi genocide of the Jews

Who was the mass murder European Jews?

Adolph Hitler, chancellor of the Third Reich (Germany's official name from 1933 to 1945), instituted a policy of genocide to make Europe judenrein, or free of Jews, in a process that eventually culminated in the systematic murder of millions (some estimate up to 9 million).

Name of the infamous extermination camp that committed genocide against the Jews?

Auschwitz with a total death of 1.2 million jews

Name a specific example of genocide from World War 2?

Jews in death camps

What was the name of the genocide the nazi s used to kill 6 million Jews?

The Holocaust.

What was the term used to name the genocide toward the Jews in World War 2?

The word is the Holocaust.

What is the Germans name who was in charge of executing the Jews?

adolph hitler