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No. god does not have a race, or place of birth, as he is omniscient.

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Q: Was god an Israelite
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In ancient Egypt what did the Israelite's believe in?

The Israelite's believed that the giving of the commandments reaffirmed their covenant with god

How the Israelite obtain the Torah?

God gave it.

Where did GOD reveal himself to the Israelite?


What is the Israelite belief in one god called?


Who led Israelite to develop a belief in one god?


Was belief in God a part of Israelite society?

Very much so. Israelite existence was based upon the covenant with God. See also:What is God like?The covenantIsraelite society

Who believed that god told him to lead the Israelite's out of Egypt?


Why did the Israelite consider themselves to be god's children?

Because the bible says god chose the Hebrew people as his people.

Why did God help the israelite's?

God chose the Israelites as you see they were his chosen people. And they would not loose a single war.

What covenant with God did the Israelite believe was reaffirmed by the Ten Commandments?

The Israelites believed that the covenant made with God at Mount Sinai, which established them as God's chosen people and laid out the guidelines for their relationship with Him, was reaffirmed by the giving of the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments were seen as a key part of this covenant, outlining the moral and ethical principles that the Israelites were expected to uphold.

How did god guide the Israelite's on their journey?

A pillar of fire at night, and a pillar of cloud during the day

Why did the Israelite's agree to obey the ten commandments?

Because they understood that the Ten Commandments are the word of God and that obeying God is the central goal of life.