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Q: Was james madison in the second continental congress?
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What did James Madison get elected to in 1780?

In 1780, Madison began as delegate to the Continental Congress.

Was James Madison to young to be in the Continental Congress?

No he wasn'.t he was 36 years old when he went to the continental congress.

Who was the main source on the Constitution?

It was James Madison. It was found from his diaries!!!

What was James Madison's viewpoint on how Congress should be composed during the Continental Congress?

Hmm. Intresting. I'll get back to you on this one.

Which founding father was the first to die?

John Morton was the first foundnig father to die in 1777, a year after the Declaration of Independence was approved by the Second Continental Congress.

How did James Madison's actions at the Constitutional Congress of 1780 point to his actions at the Constitutional Convention?

Madison announced his Federalist leanings when, elected to the Continental Congress, he allied himself with those who wanted a stronger national goverment

When was James Sykes - Continental Congress - born?

James Sykes - Continental Congress - was born in 1725.

Who introduced The Bill of Rights to congress and why?

It was introduced by James Madison. The original Constitution could not be ratified by the Continental Congress because it failed to protect the fundamental principles of human liberty.

Who wrote the Ten Amendments?

There are 10. Thomas Jefferson, Washington, and Benjamin Franklin.

When did James Sykes - Continental Congress - die?

James Sykes - Continental Congress - died on 1792-04-04.

What did James Madison accomplish in the Continental Congress?

He is considered the person who most influenced the final draft of the Constitution of the United States.

How many attended the continental congress?

The first Continental Congress consisted of 56 delegates from the 13 colonies. The Second Continental Congress added new members such as John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson, James Wilson, Benjamin Franklin and Lyman Hall.