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Before the Civil War. (December 16, 1773)

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Q: Was the Boston tea party before during or after the civil war?
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Who was the US President during the Boston Tea Party?

the Boston tea party was before we even had a president and independence.

Was the stamp act during the American revolution?

No it was before. Around the time of the Boston Tea Party

Did the Boston Tea Party happen after the revolution?

no, the Boston tea party was before the revolutionary war.

Who war responsible for the Boston Tea Party?

The colonists were responsible for the Boston tea party.

What political party lost favor before and during the civil war?

the wig party due to it lack of taking a politcale stand on slavory

How do you put Boston Tea Party into a sentence?

The Boston Tea Party occurred in Boston. Many crates of tea were dumped into the Boston Harbor during the Boston Tea Party. that's all i can think of

Where did they throw the tea during the boston tea party?

Into Boston Harbor.

How much did the tea at in the Boston Tea Party?

342 cartons of tea were dumped during the Boston tea party.

Was the Boston Harbor closed by the British during the Boston Tea Party?

Not during the Boston Tea Party but soon after. In March 1774 England's Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts which among other measures closed the Port of Boston.

What was the purpose of the Coercive Acts?

the purpose was to punish colonist for throwing shiploads of tea into Boston harbor during the Boston tea party.

Describe the Know-Nothing party during the Civil War?

They didn't do anything during the Civil War. The Know-Nothing party dissolved in 1860.

What happened after the battle of Yorktown?

The Boston Tea party was before Yorktown.