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Yes, when the Americans bombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima the Japanese emperor surrendered due to the many lives lost.

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Q: Was the bombing of Japan the turning point of World War 2?
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Was the Hiroshima bombing a turning point in history?

The bombing of Hiroshima brought us to the atomic era. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the last attacks in World War Two. Japan surrendered after the attacks.

What was the turning point of World War 2 with the battle of Britain?

when Germany started bombing civilian areas

Did American soldiers approve of bombing japan?

Yes they hated the Japanese enough to the point that they celebrated the bombing of Japan.

What were some turning-point battles in the PTO during World War 2?

The Battle of the Java Sea was the turning point for Japan's sweeping of the seas. The Battle of Guadalcanal was Japan's first defeat.

What was the turning point to World war 2?

The Germans violated the Versailles Treaty and attacked Poland. The Japanese invaded China and other places before bombing the US Naval Fleet. These events led to World War 2. Stalingrad was the turning point on the Eastern Front. El Alamein was the turning point in Africa. Midway was the turning point in the Pacific, and Normandy was the turning point on the Western Front.

Which event was the turning point of world war 2 in Europe?

The drop of the atomic bomb on Japan.

What was the battle at its turning point in the war with Japan?


What was the turning point in the US war against japan?

Battle of Midway .

Where was the turning point in World War I?

when rasa was beating usa in world war 1 so that is y they turning point

Which naval battle was the turning point of the war against Japan?

battle of midway

Which battle was a turning point in the war in the pacific causing japan to be on the defensive?


What did Japan get from midway?

Nothing. Midway was the turning point in the war in the Pacific. Japan lost all hope for victory there.