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Yes, the gladius was a short sword. It was very good for close combat because it was easier and quicker to use than longer swords and it could be still used when the opposing soldier was very close to you.

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Q: Was the galdius a short stabbing sword?
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What is a Roman stabbing sword called?

Gladius. Although usually described as a short thrusting sword, it also worked well as a slashing sword. It should be noted that the full name for a gladius is Gladius Hispaniensisor hispanic sword.The Gladius was adopted by Rome during the third century BC. Made of Bronze or Iron, it is about 2 feet long and weighs 2.5 to 3.5 pounds. It was standard issue to every Roman Legion.

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By Stabbing a sword up it's throat

What type of weapon is the English sword?

The sword is a cutting weapon. Some are designed for stabbing; some for slashing.

What is a thrusting sword?

A short, broad sword, like the one used by the Romans, that is good for jabbing at and enemy. It was not used for slashing as much. Improvement: A broad sword is mainly for chopping and stabbing, not exactly thrusting. A thrust is an inward moving slash. A good example of a thrusting weapon would be the french Rapier.

Is Tangled violent?

It includes threat, sword fighting and stabbing with a brief glimpse of blood.

Are the moves Achilles Pitt plays in the movie Troy true to actual events Specifically the one where he jumps at an angle with the sword and stabs it through the chest?

Answer Ridculous. The Romans invented the short sword and it was used for stabbing. The moves shown in the movie were animations added for dramtic effect.

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In morrowind Is Keening a short sword or a dagger?

It's a short sword

In WoW is a Commoners sword considered to be a short-sword?

The commoner's sword could be considered a short sword, yes. It is a main hand sword, so it is intended to be used with one hand, and short swords are one handed.

Can you stab with a katana without hurting the blade?

The sword is made for cutting, not stabbing. You might get away with it, but run the risk of breaking it.

What type of weapon is a gladius?

A Short Sword or just Sword

What is Latin for sword?

Latin has several different terms for sword.In classical Roman times, the short, stabbing sword used by legionary and auxiliary infantry soldiers was called a gladius.The cavalry used a much longer sword called a spatha.Their were also the general terms ensis and ferrumfor any type of sword.In medieval Latin the term gladius was used to mean a knight's long sword, forgetting its original meaning. The German knighting ceremony included the term gladius for a long sword, for example.