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Spanish Barb.

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4d ago

You might be a Chihuahua, known for their small size but feisty attitude. Chihuahuas are also associated with Mexico, where Spanish is spoken.

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Q: Watch out for me I might come at you with a vicious pun But you may only understand it if you know Spanish What breed am I?
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ANY breed of dog can be vicious.

What is a dog breed starting with V?

Vicious Pit-Bull.

Are pitt bull dogs vicious?

no breed of dog is vicious, the temperament of a dog is a direct reflection on the owner and how the dog is trained and raised

What breed of dog is most vicious?

In my opinion there isn't a most vicious dog, but from what background it comes from or from how it is brought up, or being treated badly. I have seen myself some vicious dogs and they come from bad background.

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Any dog can be "vicious" but its the owner who makes them that way. If you raise a dog right any breed can be a great family pet. Even if a dog bites it shouldn't always be deemed vicious, if a dog is biting out of fear then he is not vicious, he is protecting himself.

Are boxers (dog) vicious?

If the owner treats the dog aggresively or plays with the dog aggressively then the dog is more likely to become aggressive as they think its the right way to behave. The boxer as a breed is a bright energetic playful breed and are normally good with children. They are not a vicious breed but if provoked then it will react the way it thinks it should whether its barking chasing or biting. Like all dogs, they need socialization. Hope this helped :)

Is it legal to breed pit bulls in new York state?

This states has the vicious dog law pertaining any breed and Millville city has a ban on pit bulls.

Are pitt bulls more vicious then any other dog?

Not necessarily. They are more blindly loyal to their pack leader, four-legged or otherwise. As such, they will do more on behalf of their human, and tolerate more abuse without lashing out. Unfortunately, this means that they attract the sort of humans that should NEVER be allowed to own dogs in the first place. But as a dog breed, no, they are not intrinsically more vicious. Just more likely to be abused. yes and a breed of dog isn't 'vicious' it depends on the verry dog itself not the whole breed and how that dog is raised if its raised with love most likely it will be a nice dog but if its raised abused and misstreated it is more likely for it to be vicious.

On howrse what two horses breeds do you have to breed to get a Purebred Spanish Horse?

You must already have a Purebred Spanish. Or you can buy a Purebred Spanish horse in the sales already purebred. It is impossible to make a breed or breed two breeds of horses to make another breed in Howrse. Only the Administration can make new breeds.

Are pitbull as vicious as every one says there are?

no the breed as whole loves people and need to please. They can get aggressive toward other dogs as they get old.

What is 'dog breed' in Spanish?

persiga la casta

Can a service dog be labeled Vicious because of its breed?

This is the hazard of breed-specific legislation - perfectly friendly and sociable dogs are suddenly labeled "vicious" or "dangerous" because they are visually identified as being related to a particular breed. Unfortunately, there is breed-specific legislation in muncipalities and cities around the United States and often the public supports these because there is a common belief that "pit bulls are bad and aggressive". The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) does not support breed-specific legislation - you can pull up their position statement from their web site (www dot avma dot org). Unfortunately, even though your dog may be a registered service animal and model canine citizen, because of his conformation the laws or ordinances of your locality have legally identified the dog as vicious.