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Q: We learn how to express our emotions primarily through our?
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What is Krashen's affective filter hypothesis?

Krashen argues that our negative emotions can get in the way of learning. In essence, if we are stressed out, or have other emotions that get in between us and the lessons, then we are less able to learn.

What are the four qualities of emotions?

Four qualities of emotions:1st- Emotions are felt and expressed instereotypic facial expressions (example: a fearful expression- open mouth, raised eyebrows) and accompanied by distinctive physiological responses (fear is accompanied by a fast heart rate, quick shallow breathing and sweaty palms).2nd- Emotions are lesscontrollablethan we might like and may not respond to reason. For example, advising someone to calm down may have little to no effect.3rd- Emotions have an enormous influence on many cognitive processes, such as making decisions, developing personal relationships and selecting goals.4th- Some emotions are hard-wired in the brain. That's why babies don't have to learn how to cry to gain attention or express basic needs.

How do the feelings and emotions affect the learner learning?

Feelings and emotions play a very important role in a students life. If a student is forcefully made to learn or taught a thing that thing will never remain in his mind and he will never that thing .While teaching students emotions should not be hurt

How do feelings and emotions affect the learners learning?

Feelings and emotions play a very important role in a students life. If a student is forcefully made to learn or taught a thing that thing will never remain in his mind and he will never that thing .While teaching students emotions should not be hurt

How do emotions affect learning?

Well, if you are happy and motivated you will want to study and learn. If you are sad and depressed a person will not want to do anything but think of their problems.

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What can healthy family relationships help you learn?

1. Self-respect and how to respect others 2. How to communicate 3. How to express emotions

What does Melinda learn in art class?

In "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson, Melinda learns to express her emotions and experiences through her artwork. She discovers that art can serve as a form of catharsis and a way to communicate when words fail her. Through her art, Melinda begins to find her voice and begins to heal from the trauma she has experienced.

How can you learn to express your emotions in a postive way?

You can learn to express your emotions in a positive way by practicing self-awareness, identifying your emotions, and finding healthy outlets for expression like journaling, talking to a trusted friend or therapist, or engaging in activities you enjoy. It's also important to practice techniques like deep breathing, mindfulness, and positive self-talk to manage your emotions effectively.

What part of a star is it that astronomers study in order to learn its characteristics of a star?

Primarily, it's spectrum (it's light seen through a spectrograph).

What can one do to help fight depression on their own?

Therapy is the best alternative to medicine when it comes to treating depression. It gives you the chance to express pent up emotions, as well as help you learn coping techniques to handle your depression better.

How do you learn to feel emotions?

Use your words rather than expressing your emotions physically (say "That made me mad" rather than punching a hole in the wall for example). Writing is a great positive outlet for emotions. Whenever you feel a strong emotion coming on, sit down and write about it. It is a great way to get those negative emotions out of your system.

Why did Judith Viorst become an author?

Judith Viorst became an author because she loved to write and express herself through her words. She also enjoyed the idea of allowing people to learn about her through her writing.

Why do people date when there young?

To gain social skills you would otherwise be unable to learn in a regular situation. Add to that the new emotions and feelings children get through puberty, it's an outlet.

How do feelings and emotions affect in learning?

Feelings and emotions play a significant role in learning by influencing attention, motivation, and memory. Positive emotions like curiosity and enthusiasm can enhance learning by increasing engagement and helping with information retention. Conversely, negative emotions like anxiety or boredom can impair learning by hindering focus and information processing. Emotional regulation and promoting a positive emotional climate can help optimize learning outcomes.

Can chickens learn to talk?

Chickens cannot learn to talk in the same way that humans or certain birds like parrots can. Chickens primarily communicate through various vocalizations such as clucking, crowing, or squawking to express different needs or emotions. They do not have the ability to mimic and produce human speech.

When was Money Express founded?

The Money Express was founded in April in the year 2007. The Money Express is from the country known as Romania. One can learn more about the Money Express on their official website.

Does the fact that poetry and drama are not scientific mean that you have nothing to learn from them?

No, poetry and drama may not be scientific in nature, but they can offer valuable insights into the human experience, emotions, and relationships. They can help us understand different perspectives, cultivate empathy, and foster creativity. Consequently, there is much to learn from them beyond scientific knowledge.