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Physical evidence.

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Q: Weapons tire tracks and finger prints are what type of evidence?
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Weapons tire tracks and fingerprints are what type of evidence?

Real EvidenceAdded: FORENSIC evfidence.

What is the elephants tracks?

foot prints

What is a homophone for tracks?

The homophone for "tracks" is "tracts".

What tracks would a spider monkey leave?

Paw prints

What are the mysterious paw prints in the friendship forest meadow on

its a bear callled tracks

What is the evidence that dinosaurs lived?

Their fossilized bones and tracks is the evidence we accept.

What types of evidence can be found at a murder scene?

At a murder scene, evidence such as DNA, fingerprints, weapons, bloodstains, clothing fibers, and surveillance footage can be found. Additionally, other items like footprints, hair, tire tracks, and any potential trace evidence can be crucial in identifying suspects and building a case.

Indirect evidence of an organism can be?

fossilized tracks of its movement

What do reindeer tracks look like?

Since reindeer have hooves, the tracks would most likely look like deer prints.

What type of information is recorded in a trace fossils?

Evidence of an organism's activities is recorded in trace fossils. These include tracks, fossilized dung, and burrow casts.

What are all the weapons of Spirit Tracks?

whirlwind, boomerang, whip, bow, sandwand, bow of light.

How can an individual identify bear tracks?

There is a wide variety of bears in the World that all have different tracks. They all have a recognizable paw print and then four tow and claw prints above. The size of the track will vary depending on age and species.